In my series Amplifying your Abundance, we investigate many things around our blocks and our desire for abundance. In this one part, we reminisce about our childhood idols and what they bring up in us. Right now we are at the part of our homework is to share how you feel what it would feel like to be an inspiration to others and were to find ourselves on someone's altar?
Art by Barry Wilkinson
Well, it was interesting to go to Pele, our live flowing lava here on Big Island of Hawai'i, at mother nature's birthing portal, and bring a gift. I picked flowers. I just cut these off and took their life. They are not even mine. I did not make this, yet I took their life to offer to Pele. They are a sacrifice. Do they enjoy this? Are they happy to be the most beautiful flower to be offered?
I know not. I felt silly and useless walking out to the flow last night. It is happening a few miles down the road from our house, yet on foot, it was still over 2 hrs to get out there on wonky, incredibly hard to walk on lava with gusty winds. I was spent. We drank a lot of water. I was looking forward to taking pics.
Yet, alas, my phone just casually, without stimulation, plopped out onto the lava from hip height. And shattered the screen completely. Aaaah, bummer. Onward! :)
At our arrival to the absolute grand opera of nature, I was wiped. I lay my offering a few feet away from her. I refuse to watch it burn in front of my eyes. It was the sentiment of I love you. Thank you for letting me be here. Respect. Even tho I feel like I stole your flowers to offer to you. I have nothing.
I am here as I am. Somewhat impotent. How can I claim anything as mine to give? As special? As respect? I laid down and just crashed. I was out. Kaputt. Typical, as I fall asleep in every opera. It's too much grandeur. Yet, I love grandeur. Every time I opened my eyes, I saw the most beautiful shapes of women. The milky way was above me. Strong winds, and an occasional surprise dump of rains...
How do I have front row seats to the most radical natural show on earth? Earth birthing forms of beauty. Lighting trees on fire like fire works. A spectacle. And yet, at the same time, I slept, like a baby, comforted by it's momma, glad to have made it home and tired after being deeply fed and nourished. The best sleepover campfire ever. Safe and warm. And I was 6 feet away from a blob of bubbling, moving lava.
This morning I woke up, entirely exhausted and full. Tears streamed down my face half the day, feeling overwhelmed by the blank-slatedness the magnitude of such an experience brings.
It's beyond the mind. The mind could never understand what is happening. We went to the farmer's market, late after waking up at 11 am, as we arrived home at 3 am. Nobody is at market, it closes at noon. We order delicious potato pancakes and my favorite Polish Krishna-loving Kombucha-man spots me, and comes running, "here, my friend, this lei is for you" as he leis me with a golden marigold flower lei.....everyone watches. I said "wow, I just saw Pele all night, it was a big journey"....he continues to share with me, that they are only made for Krishna, and that he brought it from his ALTAR!!!! Now, this man, who only wears a pink shirt and serves pink drinks, I still do not know his name, has been the only person in Hawaii who has been happy to see me.....
What if me choosing to go out and view Pele, lie with her, sacrifice my biggest love - taking pictures on my phone - was the perfect gift to give her? Me just showing up in awe. Just because.
Too funny, when we feel down on our luck, and the whole world is against us - look to see those who DO celebrate you! How funny, that I was put on the altar at our farmer's market where I have always felt alienated and like a castaway! (let's toot some miracle bells here please!!)
For those of us going through physical challenges, and feel we need professional help, let us examine the power of the mind. That is the work we are doing here. What will it take to have front row seats to our organic show?
If your body is ailing and you can not book expensive appointments, you are not meant to. You just saved money. If all thoughts and beliefs are manifested, then we can also delete and erase them. So as with the body. Considering you may have the closest up front and personal view, like no other doctor will care to ask you how you feel about your condition.
There have been studies done, where a hypnotized person was told they are being burned by a cigarette. But really they are being touched with a pencil. Yet still they got blisters. The power of the mind.
I am here to empower you that you can tap on everything. Anything can happen. :) I have tapped on people in a coma, during child labor, on clearing cysts and lime disease. I have seen miracles with this process. What will it take for you to make yourself important to you, before giving your power away to those who have the letter p, h and d in front of it.
To clear out body or psycho-emotional stuff:
What are you feeling physically?
How does it make you feel?
Love, accept & forgive yourself.
Are you safe to release the feelings now?
By tapping, our goal is to come into a state of neutrality on the issue and problem. When we accept it and our feelings about it fully, or at least set the intention, it is already out of our hands, so called. You have named it and are clearing the charge around it. This gives it room to disappear. And, that my friend, is the miracle. I have had full body staph infection disappear after getting to the root of the emotional cause.
Please do give a try on your health symptoms! I empower you! You won't believe it, but I am willing to watch you take the risk and report back! I hold the space for miracles, especially physical ones.
Let's experiment powerfully with this and take your health into your own hands.... (save money) and see that amplifying your abundance can also be used for your health.
#amplifyingyourabundance #truenature #energymedicinemasters
postscript: as I write this, I listened to a mainstream healing celebrity in the new age arena. I like listening to her while doing dishes. She has just had this massive break through this year and is giving some sessions on a live call. Her whole style now is the method I have been organically using the past 8 years, with Ho'o'pono'pono and inner child work. Wow, before I would feel panic and scarcity - but right now, this is not competition, it is full validation! Because this style for work is actually healing people...getting to the core, and there is no way without your inner child going with you on this journey....and only you can show up for it, you can't pay anyone else for it.