Saturday, December 30, 2017

Who am I 2018?

2018 New Year's Prompts

As 2017 is coming to a close, the days are still filled with grand surprises and multiple we swam with 40+ dolphins and spent the day at a sacred place called "Pathways to the Gods"....

Etch out some time for yourself with your journal in a private space and sink into these prompts, back by popular demand, year 3. 

Don't deliberate - jump in and write from your heart, not your mind.

(model: Samantha Saliter)


1. List 10 things that occurred that you have learned, changed and strengthened you.

2. If you could put it into a word or a sentence, how would you summarize 2017?

3. What feelings or beliefs would you like to release going forward?

4. List the big actions you took that caused great fear.  Did you survive them after executing them?

5. What were the greatest blessings and miracles?

(model: Amy Stokes)

Who am I 2018?

1. If you could choose a word that would encapsulate what you envision this coming year to be and feel like, what would it be?

2.  If you turned the coming year into an ideal affirmation, what would it be?

3.  Which 10 things would you like to invoke in 2018?

4. Which 10 things will you give your self permission to do/be?

5.  What is your theme song that would support your embodiment of this feeling?

6.  Which values would you like to strengthen and honor for this coming year, if you were a perfume, what values would you be spreading?

7. What is your most outrageous vision for your self (and possibly the world) if you had no blocks or time barriers? Plant this seed this coming year. Write a manifesto if you wish.

8. Make a list to respond to the question in this portion.  "In 2018, I AM:_____, _____, etc."
  (ie: I am an avid yogini, a graceful dancer, a joyful writer, a creative cook, relaxed, taking time to explore, producing my first YouTube videos, trusting more, making lasting friendships, etc.)  It can be as long as you wish.  :)

(model: Caitlyn Rowe)

Inner child team work:

1. Allow yourself to go back in time and view yourself now as your 6 year old.  She has been informed that this is who she will be.  How do you feel?  What does she think?

2. Check in at 12 years old.  What does she think of herself of who she will become? Does she approve?

3. How about at 18?  Can she accept you? Write down what she thinks.

4. If she can get on your team and support you in who you are now and who you are becoming , what affirmation would she tell you that would motivate and inspire you with nourishing compassion?

5.  What steps can you take to be your own number one fan, bridging the gap between who your inner child thought you would be and who you are now and also rising into?

6.  Make a list of all people/things/archetypes that inspire you and imagine taking them like vitamins to emanate your vision more magnificently.

(model: Melissa Schneider)

Every human being alive today, modern or tribal, primal or over-domesticated, has a soul that is original, natural and above all, indigenous in one way or the another.  Like all indigenous peoples today, that indigenous soul of the modern person has either been banished to some far reaches of the dream world or is under direct attack by the modern mind...For there to be a world at all, every indigenous, natural thing must start singing its song, dancing its dance, moving and breathing according to its own nature, saying its name, manifesting simultaneously its secret spiritual signature.

~Martin Prechtel, Secrets of the Talking Jaguar

Bonus Integrity spread:

Drop me a line and I will pull a card for you from the Wisdom Keepers oracle deck, to help you cultivate the qualities that are essential for integrity for you in 2018.

You want to share your findings with me?

If you would like to be part of an intimate conversation and opportunities with info and programs on the new earth and energy medicine, please join my secret FB group focused on heart courage:

Then enjoy some inspiration & a chuckle while you cook & clean with dear ole Matt Kahn:

My fave astrologer who has touched my soul and the tribe within:
Sun Soul Astrology

Let me know where you are at, and if you want to work with me in an economic way this year, I have 3 month long programs offered at a self-guided pace with my support, because I believe in you.

$97 or $143 with a private 1 hr session with me via phone or skype. Get in touch:

I dare you to be ready to rock and roll this bad ass-to-the-core-experience - $97:
Yoni Health - Awakening Womb Quantum Healing

Images by 
I make alchemical images, if you want to work with me or have me activate one of your images, just let me know, it would be my absolute pleasure!
Magicwood Studios

In parting with you + 2017, let us invoke the intent of using your power for love and truth.

My motto for 2018 is: 

                                                               (Art by Barry Wilkinson)

And so it is.

#truenature #withartandsoul #nakedwerise

~Always best aloha ~


PS - I also have some amazing new products out:
- Miracle Yoni Healing Soap - liquid soap for sensitive skin,  with Hawaiian flower essences
-Scarlett Moon - Anointing your Pussy Oil - organic oil with flower essences for health + pleasure

Get in touch for special orders! Ready to ship!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Letters of Welcome to your Blossoming Goddess

Dear Mary, My Beloved Daughter,

As I sit down to write this letter to you, I am appreciating the bright rays of sunlight streaming in through the windows, and the happy green of the plants on the sill and outside.  Spring is in full expression now… and you, like Nature, are coming into bloom, too.  Beginning your period, or your moon time or your blood-cycles, is a beautiful and important turning point, moving from girl to woman.  Please know that I see you, I have loved you at every stage of your life and growth, and my heart is full for you as I watch you at the very start of your journey into womanhood.  

I want to share some things with you that have been meaningful and helpful to me, and begin a new conversation that can remain open for as long as you want it. to  Know that I am here with you and for you, and you can talk with me about anything that’s on your mind or heart.  

Your body is going through all kinds of changes, ones you can see and ones you might not see so easily, as your inner being also matures.  You, as a woman, are capable of creating life, of nurturing and growing life, and of giving birth to that life to stand on its own one day.  This miracle is something we are specially designed to do, which men do not do. They have their own gifts and challenges, as they are designed to add the seed or spark also needed for new life to begin in a woman’s body.  They are important for supporting the process of life that happens within the woman.  
We have the potential for creating new life every single month, in rhythm with the moon (moon=month), from our teens into our 40’s, 50’s or 60’s.  As your body produces hormones that prepare it for growing new life and giving birth (to a baby or to other creations) it also has an effect on your inner thoughts, feelings, energies, and maybe even the way you see yourself and the world around you.   As you go through various phases of your hormone cycle each month, observe and be gentle with yourself as you notice different moods, energies, needs, qualities that may arise for you.  Eventually you may notice a pattern for yourself, which may help you feel more equipped and welcoming of whatever arises.  If I, and more of my friends, had known this earlier, it would have given me more sense of trust, peace, and empowerment.  Our hormones and bodies can sometimes feel like they are taking us for a ride, but it is in recognizing and honoring them that we come into rich and satisfying relationship with them.  

Physically speaking, you body will shed blood and thicker tissues every month.  This isn’t like bleeding when you cut or hurt yourself.  This blood comes out more slowly, and is a sign that you are healthy, rather than hurt.
When your body, your uterus, inside your pelvis, builds up the tissue and blood to potentially nourish a baby, if a baby is not created, or the elements are not in place for it to develop and come into the world, the lining and blood are shed over a number of days.  For some women, it happens over 5-8 days, for me it is usually 3-4.  The shedding of this lining can be completely painless, and sometimes it can come with cramping or other discomforts.  Whatever your experience is, know that what is happening is natural and good.  And this blood/lining is full of rich nutrients that would have gone to nourishing a baby.  Your ‘moon blood’ or menstrual blood is potent with life energy, and it is something you might consider each time you see it.  Sometimes it will feel or be inconvenient or a little messier than you may at first want, but I hope you will come to really appreciate the value and sacredness of your blood, your creative fertility, and your natural ability to cleanse and shed or release what no longer serves you. (This is what your body does!)

There are many more things I’d ike to share with you, but I will close here for now.

In  celebration and honor of you, and of your inititation into this next phase of your life…
I love you!


Motherblood, by Kathy Branch '96

Moving from one womb
to another
birthing a daughter
birthing a daughter
birthing a daughter
who births two daughters at once
ripens in my veins
with pains, with memories, with knowing
from the first woman, Mother Earth
brings life, feeds all and
returns to the Earth
beating a rhythm in my body
singing to my soul
demanding expression
drips from mother
to mother
to mother
back to
the mother

Dear Laura,

The time has come! Sound the trumpets, order the prime rib, and send in the dancing girls, because you are now a WOMAN!!! Of course, there are a few more experiences that you have yet to enjoy that will bring you even closer to womanhood, but for now- this is a big one. 

So, in this time, it is very important for you to realize that while this process can be a bit uncomfortable, messy, awkward, and on some days kinda painful- it is still a time of great personal power. You are more powerful during this week then most other times in the month. Your emotions are so much closer to the surface, so you can tap in to their strength very easily. Hey, just ask any guy with older sisters how much power women have when they are on their moon- you will get your answer right away.

Moon power generally scares most men away. There has been a very strong movement by the patriarchy to tell women that our periods are disgusting. That we are emotional messes when that time of the month rolls around, and that we need to feel ashamed of ourselves for having a period. Not all men feel this way, but it is easy for everyone to buy in to their slick reasoning that comes packaged in the forms of perfumed plastic maxi pads and bleached tampons. Do not buy in to this. You are doing this because it is your special power. They have a reason to be afraid and to tell you not to use it to grow more deeply in to yourself.

Back in the day, as in many many moons ago, women used to go to a special cave near their villages and go bleed on the rocks there. They would hang out with whoever was around and would voluntarily go in to a contemplative state during this time. Native American traditions have very strict rules about women that are on their moon not being able to participate in ceremony, and are even encouraged to separate themselves from the family and their mates during this time. This is because it is believed that the woman's energy is too powerful and would upset the balance that is created when no one is bleeding. 

If only we thought that was a great idea, right? Every month you get a lady vacation?! Sounds pretty sweet to me :) But there are a lot of ideas that make much more sense than the concepts and ways to work with this that are mainstream. Don't be afraid to seek another stream. Give em hell, Krueger! 

Finally, CONGRATULATIONS! There are many more milestones to reach, and you will experience these through a loving heart and a vivacious spirit! You ain't no wallflower, honey;) You are beautyfull, inside and out! Just hang on and let go!

Dear Maiden Lorn-Nicole,
      I have no words to express what you have endured. I cry and grieve deeply for what has happened to you. You did not deserve this. You did not deserve to have taken on such a monumental dis-ease in man. Men are truly disconnected beings, and can do things that are un-Godly, without feeling what they are doing, or have done. I can not get to the source of this it seems. It was enough your dad did this, but, then Andreas, and now Noah. And with each one, you really needed something from them, you couldn't just walk away. It wasn't that easy. You needed something they had. Betrayal is all you have known. I cry for you tears that may not be quenched. I'm truly sorry. I'm truly sorry pain and suffering is all you have known. You deserve better. You deserve real love!

Beloved Moon Maiden, 
The time has arrived for you to walk the path towards womanhood, and eventually to motherhood, if you choose. Grandmother Moon and Mother Earth are inviting you to go deeper into your Wisdom, your ability to feel more deeply into your body; your emotional intelligence, and to own your rite to fully feel and express yourself as the creative, inspiring, magical, passionate gift of life force energy that you are. You will flow with the blood of life, now moving out of your body monthly, readying you to create a child, cleansing and reminding you to be in respect of the power you yield as Creatrix. You are asked to practice grounding into Mother Earth, giving your overwhelm, fear, doubt and questions, as well as our gratitude for being held and supported by Her. Now, Young Maiden, the males will be more drawn to you, and you will be a source of radiant inspiration for them. Remember that your body and womb-cave are sacred, and not to be shared with just anyone. You are to call in a man that can meet you in the most respectful way, in a heart-full way and with deep care for you as a woman and Creatrix of Life! Be patient with yourself and learn the art of self-pleasuring and self-loving so that you learn how to become your beloved, and this commitment will bring to you a male that walks a similar walk who has self-honor, self-love, dignity and respect for you as Divine Feminine and radiant wholeness! Seek the counsel of your wise sisters, mothers and grandmothers. When they meet you from their womb-cave and heart, you will all learn from each other the ways of re-claiming the power of the feminine. You are a gift to this World and She embraces you with All of Her!

 I love you. Aho!

Dearest sweet Paula Therese

I am so happy to hear that you have begun your moon cycle.  What a beautiful gift.  Yes, like many great gifts, it comes with its own challenges.  Know that all of these challenges invite you to a place a really owning who you are, owning your beauty, owning your femininity, owning your power, owning your creative power.  What an incredible gift it is to begin the blossoming of being a woman.  Don’t worry, you won’t lose anything!  You can still be a total tomboy.  You’ll just be a more powerful tomboy, that’s all. Sweetheart, you are such a unique, sparkling gem on this planet.  Your gift is your ability to be exactly what you want.  This can open you to more opportunities.

Bleeding every month is looked upon often as a curse.  In fact, in England, girls often say, “I have the curse,” when they are bleeding.  In other societies, women go off into a special communal tent or hut where they bleed together, they sing songs, they celebrate.  In some of these cultures, men thought women bled for much longer than they actually did because the women just used this time to take a little holiday from the stresses of life.  Your body will benefit from you using the time of your monthly cycle to take it easy.  I really really support you in taking a day off school during this time if you like.  Go inside, celebrate the nourishment that comes from taking care of yourself in this way.

First, let’s set up some time to talk about how you would like to celebrate or mark this tender, natural and empowering transition from being a sweet little girl to a beautiful young woman.  I love you.  Please let me know any way I can serve you during this time.  Let's look at some of the traditional ways women are celebrated and you can make it your own - your time to own your sovereignty. I look forward to sharing the many wonderful secrets and gifts of being a woman.


Your wonderful inner goddess.

Dear Lana
You’re a woman now. I’m so proud of you.
On the next first quarter Moon we will host a celebration and invite all of your family and friends. We will drum and invite your ancestors to participate in your transition to the middle phase of womanhood.
At a separate time the women will take you to the Moon cave and teach you blood mysteries that are for our ears only. But it’s important to have the family men at your rite of passage to celebrate your growing up.
Your body will change. Your hips will spread and your breasts will swell. This is a normal and welcome change. Don’t worry about being “fat.” You are no longer a child, and your body will develop into a woman’s shape. You will start to be treated like a woman before you are ready to be sexual like a woman, and that is OK. Your sexuality is a sacred part of you and you already possess it – you don’t have to start having sex in order to “prove it.”
Just because men will start responding to your woman’s shape, doesn’t mean you owe them anything. You are in charge of the sacred vessel of your body and you decide when and with whom you will be sexual with.
The Moon time is a time when you release all the possibilities that have not born fruit in the previous month. It is the destruction time in the endless cycle of creation and destruction. Because of this, you must be gentle with yourself on your Moon days. Allow the unused potential of your menstrual blood to fertilize the earth as your offering. Take time off from work and time out of your day to gently release the waste products from your womb.
Although you will not be ready for a child for many years, your menstrual blood is the monthly reminder of your power as creatrix. In your body is the power of creation. When you have a child you will be awed by this power. Your breasts are not just playthings but the source of food for future generations. Your body holds the mystery and the key to life and is more powerful than any technology invented by man.
Women in this culture have been dominated by men for many hundreds of years. We have been told that our periods make us weak and ugly but this is a lie. We are more powerful than men and they use this lie to control us and make us doubt ourselves. We are rising in this world to restore balance and to save our Mother Earth. You are part of this change.
Never be ashamed to be a woman. You were born at this time to walk as a woman in the world and reclaim the power of the feminine.
With love, from your future self and the wisdom of your ancestors

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Creative Healing New Moon Practice - Inquiry + Visioning with Collage

Have you ever considered doing ritual and divining through artistic exploration?

You do not have to be an artist to give this process a try and it is a fun experience, at least for new year's day with a group of friends wanting to set intentions together or a weekend with the ladies, or while your kids are working on an art project.  

What is needed? 
2 hours of your time
You do not need to spend much $, and if you happen to have sharpies, markers, water colors and acrylics on hand - even better! 
a poster board (white at Walgreens or CVS $1 and up, or any other fun color)
a few varieties of magazines, old cards or calendars (you can pick some up for spare change at Goodwill, etc if you don't have any old ones lying around that you can freely cut into)
glue sticks & scissors
glitter glue (if that dazzles you!)
* * *
Make creating-space:

find your sacred space to create in, whether that is your kitchen or dining room table, back porch or spread out on your floor, locate your magic-making area
Wear something comfortable to sit on the floor with, make some tea or grab some wine or whatever snacks and beverage of choice.

Ambiance of choice: incense, oils, adornment, music, good lighting (might want a lamp on the floor), etc. this is your sacred visioning time

To begin:
choose what size you want to do.  You may want to cut your poster board in half and use only one or see how they both become different themes.
Get a sharpie or pen.  Set your timer for 5 min.  Now write your life story on your board in 5.  Just go for it and see how it comes out.  (Imagine doing this every day for a week, or once per month and see how it changes!) You might want to take a picture of it.  :)
Next, take some paints or acrylic paint and a big brush and make a portal in the center of your page.  However shape that shows up as for you (a circle? A door? A spiral? A ....?) This is your portal of what your are calling in. 
Then take another medium and write what you are letting go of - spell it out on the page, or say it out loud  while you use colors to move across the paper, as if to transfer it there
Set it aside and set your timer to 15 minutes.  Now allow yourself (and your company) to dig into the images, magazines & calendars, pulling graphics, letters & words that appeal to you - do not use your conscious mind, allow the speed of connection to cut or tear it out and place it on a pile.  It does not have to be cut perfect yet.
When picking out magazines and imagery, try not to deliberately choose things that are logically "so you" - of course if you have old calendars you love, that is a great base, and best thing would be to not really know the contents of some magazines you grab. 
When your time runs out, repeat set the timer to 15 min and now go through your stack and place it on your vision board.  This is where your intuitive designer comes in and lays out the pieces that actually make it onto your board. When the time is up, you can now refine the cuts to desired perfection and glue the pieces on.
It is also fun to snap pics as you go along to see your process later. You may also want to keep chunks or words from your life story sticking out - you will know what is natural.
If you want to fancify, add glitter glue or decorate with boarders or write extra words of inspiration
Lastly, sit back and view what vision has been created and share your translation to your friends and also listen how they interpret it. 

It is like a souvenir of that time and the next six months will unfold themes reflected in your board, so if you desire, hang it in your bedroom or closet or where you would enjoy seeing it every day

I have been using this process for the last 10 years and host these in retreats with women and it is always such a blast to see what unfolds - I have had so much literal synchronicities with mine that they have been hard to let go of, they seem like maps of magic.  The most vital thing is, how you feel when you see it, you want your body to relax and feel a sigh of relief or a gasp of inspiration when it reveals itself to you in the end.

And obviously, this is just a guide, you can use this to start off with and then use your own mixed media and see that there are no limits. You can make digital collages and also use the image as your laptop screen saver so you see it every morning - for as long as it makes your happy.

The more I have been doing art, the more painting I have added, so in my last round, half of the board was a painting, done from a Buddha I saw on Instagram and looked at on my phone for inspiration, the other half has my life story written behind it with a portal.  For some reason, the imagery looks so somber to me, but also like new territory and I am so curious to see how this develops.

I would love to see what you create! Feel free to email me an image of your board to

Happy creating! 

Tapping Tipi on removing blocks to creativity:
Creative Healing Tapping TIpi