Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Creative Healing New Moon Practice - Inquiry + Visioning with Collage

Have you ever considered doing ritual and divining through artistic exploration?

You do not have to be an artist to give this process a try and it is a fun experience, at least for new year's day with a group of friends wanting to set intentions together or a weekend with the ladies, or while your kids are working on an art project.  

What is needed? 
2 hours of your time
You do not need to spend much $, and if you happen to have sharpies, markers, water colors and acrylics on hand - even better! 
a poster board (white at Walgreens or CVS $1 and up, or any other fun color)
a few varieties of magazines, old cards or calendars (you can pick some up for spare change at Goodwill, etc if you don't have any old ones lying around that you can freely cut into)
glue sticks & scissors
glitter glue (if that dazzles you!)
* * *
Make creating-space:

find your sacred space to create in, whether that is your kitchen or dining room table, back porch or spread out on your floor, locate your magic-making area
Wear something comfortable to sit on the floor with, make some tea or grab some wine or whatever snacks and beverage of choice.

Ambiance of choice: incense, oils, adornment, music, good lighting (might want a lamp on the floor), etc. this is your sacred visioning time

To begin:
choose what size you want to do.  You may want to cut your poster board in half and use only one or see how they both become different themes.
Get a sharpie or pen.  Set your timer for 5 min.  Now write your life story on your board in 5.  Just go for it and see how it comes out.  (Imagine doing this every day for a week, or once per month and see how it changes!) You might want to take a picture of it.  :)
Next, take some paints or acrylic paint and a big brush and make a portal in the center of your page.  However shape that shows up as for you (a circle? A door? A spiral? A ....?) This is your portal of what your are calling in. 
Then take another medium and write what you are letting go of - spell it out on the page, or say it out loud  while you use colors to move across the paper, as if to transfer it there
Set it aside and set your timer to 15 minutes.  Now allow yourself (and your company) to dig into the images, magazines & calendars, pulling graphics, letters & words that appeal to you - do not use your conscious mind, allow the speed of connection to cut or tear it out and place it on a pile.  It does not have to be cut perfect yet.
When picking out magazines and imagery, try not to deliberately choose things that are logically "so you" - of course if you have old calendars you love, that is a great base, and best thing would be to not really know the contents of some magazines you grab. 
When your time runs out, repeat set the timer to 15 min and now go through your stack and place it on your vision board.  This is where your intuitive designer comes in and lays out the pieces that actually make it onto your board. When the time is up, you can now refine the cuts to desired perfection and glue the pieces on.
It is also fun to snap pics as you go along to see your process later. You may also want to keep chunks or words from your life story sticking out - you will know what is natural.
If you want to fancify, add glitter glue or decorate with boarders or write extra words of inspiration
Lastly, sit back and view what vision has been created and share your translation to your friends and also listen how they interpret it. 

It is like a souvenir of that time and the next six months will unfold themes reflected in your board, so if you desire, hang it in your bedroom or closet or where you would enjoy seeing it every day

I have been using this process for the last 10 years and host these in retreats with women and it is always such a blast to see what unfolds - I have had so much literal synchronicities with mine that they have been hard to let go of, they seem like maps of magic.  The most vital thing is, how you feel when you see it, you want your body to relax and feel a sigh of relief or a gasp of inspiration when it reveals itself to you in the end.

And obviously, this is just a guide, you can use this to start off with and then use your own mixed media and see that there are no limits. You can make digital collages and also use the image as your laptop screen saver so you see it every morning - for as long as it makes your happy.

The more I have been doing art, the more painting I have added, so in my last round, half of the board was a painting, done from a Buddha I saw on Instagram and looked at on my phone for inspiration, the other half has my life story written behind it with a portal.  For some reason, the imagery looks so somber to me, but also like new territory and I am so curious to see how this develops.

I would love to see what you create! Feel free to email me an image of your board to

Happy creating! 

Tapping Tipi on removing blocks to creativity:
Creative Healing Tapping TIpi

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